"I have just spent the weekend
'Living The Dream' on a beautiful Tropical Island with Roy Carter and
his lovely wife Lynn. It certainly was an inspiring and motivating
weekend and I felt really privileged to be studying 'hands-on' with a
master of Internet Marketing. It was a true workshop where we learned
exactly what buttons to press in order to create a Money-Making Sales
Funnel. It wasn't in the niche I expected either - THAT was a true and
exciting surprise! We came away not with 'illusions of instant riches,'
but with a well-defined plan of action and a realistic time frame in
which to achieve it." - Jill - Cairns, Australia
Hi folks,

here you go! Something really special for you that I'm VERY excited about
right now, is this brilliant (although I say so myself) One
Day Workshop that I am putting on again. This time it's on Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia, on Saturday 25th August, 2018.
Here's why I originally decided to create this exclusive one day workshop...
I was having a conversation with people who had attended one of my
Fast-Track weekends and I was explaining to them why I find it
surprising that anyone
these days would work at a 'normal' job.
I explained exactly why nobody should
have to work at a job they hate in this day and age and I
gave them a couple of examples of the type of projects they could do
online that would mean they could very easily quit their 'traditional'
job if they wanted to.
The attendees got very excited about the possibilities and they all
urged me to hold a training day to share with people how you can 'Become A 'Shirktrepreneur' And
Let Other People Make YOU A Fortune Instead'.
"So what actually IS a 'Shirktrepreneur',
Roy?", I hear you ask.
Let me explain...
Now, your subconscious mind may be thinking that
shirking (avoiding work as much as possible), whilst still making a
fortune, would obviously be very nice indeed, but perhaps you are
questioning whether it is really possible?
Well, I'm here to tell you that not only is it
extremely possible, but thousands of people all over the world are
doing this every day of their shirking lives! And some are making it an
absolute art form!
The Oxford English Dictionary describes the word
'Shirker' as:
(shirk from) be unwilling to do (something difficult):
(Shirker) someone who shirks
Roy Carter (me), describes the word 'Shirk' as (avoiding
work as much as possible) and therefore, a 'Shirker' is (someone
who sensibly avoids work as much as possible). And since
this is my
training workshop, we'll use my interpretation of what a shirker
actually is. OK? Good. :-)
You see, a 'Shirktrepreneur'
is NOT a person who doesn't do ANY work. No, instead he/she is a person
who doesn't do any UNNECESSARY work. And the fact is, there is a LOT of
work that can be done to make you very wealthy, without it having to be
YOU that does that work!
Make sense?
So, from here on in, I want you to avoid thinking
in terms of a 'shirker' as having any kind of negative connotation
whatsoever. In fact, as I'll share with you, the opposite is true, because avoiding work as
much as possible is actually the sensible thing
to do, wouldn't you say?
Great! Now that we are on the same page....Let's
move on.
Let's look at a new word. MY new word. And that
word is....
Now, a 'Shirktrepreneur' is not only someone who
is sensible enough to avoid work whenever possible, it also describes
someone who also makes money whilst avoiding work
as much as possible!
Does that start to tweak your interest glands a
little? It should! Because, developing your skills towards becoming a
full-time 'shirktrepreneur' is going to help you to 'Shirk, Rest & Play!'
AND, if you really get good at this, it's going to allow you to have
OTHER people help make YOU a fortune!
Saw The Light ... And You Will Too!
me tell you something. The moment I realised that all this stuff you
are taught about working your arse off in order to succeed and make
money was actually bullshit, that was the day I saw the light!
It's also the reason I now live on a small, exotic, tropical island instead of
working for someone else, or doing a job I hate.
Now I'm not saying that working hard initially
to make something happen is a bad thing. What I'm saying is that if you
to have to work your arse off in order to continue to make
tons of money, then you are doing something drastically wrong for sure!
And THAT, my fine feathered friend is why nearly everyone gets
it wrong! It's because they are following what they have been taught
all along, i.e. 'work your backside off to succeed'. That is why you
see people working their backsides off trying to succeeed online or
offline and then if it EVER happens for them, they have to carry on
working all the hours God sends often times just to stay where they
are. Pedalling like mad to keep the ship afloat!
I don't know about you, but as far as I am concerned, the reason I
wanted shit loads of money in the first place was so that I could relax
and ENJOY the fruits of my labour (well, actually the fruits of mostly other people's labour
really, which is my whole point here)!
Listen, I now live a very, very relaxed and chilled out life on an
exotic island in the Coral Sea in Queensland, Australia. Population of
the whole island is less than two and a half thousand people (nice
people too). I have a magnificent view from my home right where I am
writing this to you now.

could go on, but I think you get the picture. Hey, the important thing
is that on this training day with me I am going to AWAKEN you to the
possibilities. I am going to make you see the light and I am going to
share with you exactly why it's
not YOU that should be working their
arse off, but someone else instead!
In fact the sooner you and I get together and I share this stuff with
you, the
sooner you will realise that working your backside off every day, week
in and week out, is actually part of the reason you
are tired and worn out and maybe just getting by, or just doing ok,
instead of being relaxed and chilled out with your wealth
growing every day thanks to other people's efforts.
What I'm going to reveal to everyone who gets themselves along to this
workshop training day with me is this...
** How YOU Can
Become A Highly Successful 'Shirktrepreneur'!
** Solid
examples and case studies that will show you exactly how you can do WAY
less work whilst having other people making YOU a growing fortune
How ANYONE can do this and get started right away!
(you included) should ever have to do a job they hate ever again!
How to live TOTALLY debt-free while 'shirking like a pro!
Why 'shirk' at just one thing when you can 'shirk' at many?
* Deciding what projects to shirk and still make heaps of
cold hard cash.
* Why almost everything you've learned about how to achieve
the 'internet lifestyle' is totally wrong and can have you working like
a horse and getting nowhere fast - (When instead you can do it my way
and actually live a relaxed and chilled out life anywhere in the world
you want to...just like I do). - I've done it and I'll show you exactly
how you can do it too...
...the RIGHT way!
It makes me laugh to be honest, when I see so called internet 'gurus'
bragging about how great their life is, when I know damn well they are
working their tails off and employing staff, paying for offices,
worrying about cashflow etc etc.
What they have done is to create themselves a JOB haven't they???
That's just nuts! The very thing they were trying to get away from,
they created for themselves again! It's like they have totally
forgotten what they were setting out to do in the first place!
Not for me thanks. The reason I am able to live on a bloody island in
the tropics, is because I do the exact opposite
of what those guys are doing. I choose NOT to have to work my tail off.
I choose to live the way I want to live, with no employees to worry
about, no office rents to pay and no cash flow worries or any of that
other nonsense.
One of my fellow speakers at the World Internet Summit said to me a while ago, "Roy, I can't
think of a better example of two people who are TRULY living
the internet lifestyle than the way you and Lyn are doing it
right now"
I thought that was nice and it showed me that he too understood that
what most so called 'gurus' are doing is the WRONG way to go about
things, if what you really
want is a quiet life where you have enough money to do pretty much
whatever you want and go wherever you want, whenever you want to.
If that is what YOU want too, I'll be more than happy to show you
exactly how you can do this when you book your place (limited spots
available as always) for Saturday 25th August, 2018 for my one day training workshop/hangout
To Become A 'Shirktrepreneur'
And Let Other People Make YOU A Fortune!'
the best part is, they'll LOVE you for it)!
Like I said, I am very
excited about what attending this day with me will do for you. I reckon
this could just about be the most valuable training day I have
ever done! Why? Because I know that you WILL have a day that opens your
eyes, and awakens you to the fact that you don't have to toil and slog
the rest of your days away just to get by.
I hate to see people living their lives like that, with so much stress
and worry, when it could easily be so very different for them. Very,
very different.
Look, most of you reading this letter will know me by now. You know my
reputation and you know that I don't bullshit and I tell it like it is.
In case you need proof, or a reminder of what others have said about my
trainings though, I have tons of proof and have included just some
comments from people who have attended trainings with me previously
below, (I have loads more).
And here's
another happy customer...
Now, if you know me and if you've ever attended one of my training days
before, you know that I actually DO care about making sure you succeed.
You'll also know that I have clients who pay me over $25,000 a time to
teach them what I know.
And guess what? Every single person who has ever attended a Fast-Track weekend or Workshop Training day
with me has been delighted that they got a place and they've been
thrilled with what they got from it. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON.
Like Kraig here, who flew all the way from the UK with his partner
You are going to love this particular One Day
and you are now going to love it even more when I tell you...
Your investment to attend what will be an AMAZING (and truly
life-changing) day with me
is just AUD $1,497.00
Now when you consider that I am going to show
you EXACTLY how you can totally change the way you look at
life and how to make money from now on, you'll realise that this
investment in yourself is tremendous
should not
be looking at this as a cost. (A cost is something you
get no return from). This is an INVESTMENT (in yourself and your future
happiness) and if you don't know the difference, then maybe this day is
not right for you.
If you DO know the difference however, and you can see the
sense in all that I've said above, then I'll be delighted to share with
you what
has worked for me in this one day workshop where you hang out with
me for the day. A memorable and inspiring day that you will
always think of as the day things really started to make sense for you
and the
day you decided that working your arse off is NOT the way to get to
where you need to be in your life. (That's exactly what others have said after spending the day with me like this).
Date: Saturday 25th August, 2018
Location: Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia!
book a flight to Townsville airport and you'll then be just a short 10
minute taxi ride to the ferry terminal and then a gorgeous ferry ride
(Exact location will be
revealed to booked attendees only).
NOTE: This
training day will NOT be filmed! ONLY attendees get this!
Here's the deal. Your investment to attend is already great value
at just AUD
$1,497.00 (Heck!
You could make that back more than ten times over in a very short space
of time with just ONE of the things I'll reveal to you on the day)!
HOWEVER... I have only run this special one day
workshop/hangout with me just a few times and so I am looking to deliver
a great day for you and to
then get some more great testimonials that I can use to add to my collection!
That being the case, for a strictly limited time only, you can reserve
your place TODAY and get over 33% Early-Bird discount off the AUD $1,497.00 price!
means that
if you
book your spot now, you will
reserve your place on this
day with me at just AUD
$997 and you can use the money you saved towards your transport or
accommodation (if you decide to stay over)!
Number of available places: Dunno, but very small group
as usual and very limited on a strictly first come, first
served basis, so don't mess about. Make your decision to be there with
me and reserve
your spot now!
Like I always do...I will make sure that this is a day
THERE!!!....I'll make damn sure it does!
So if you are sick of all the crap out there and you are serious about
wanting to make sure you grab a place at ...
The Roy
'How To Become A 'Shirktrepreneur'
And Let Other People Make YOU A Fortune!'
... Exclusive
One Day
and Reserve Your Place Below NOW and get the special Early-Bird 33%
Discounted price!
Early-Bird Discounted
Price = Just AUD $997
This Early-Bird Price Option WILL Disappear Soon......It ALWAYS does)!
best advice to you right now, is to do your absolute damnedest to be
at this special day with me in August!
Let's just say, you'll be REALLY glad you managed to grab a place).
like these guys...
Listen, I have had many people fly from the other side of the world to
be at my training days and
every single one of them were delighted with the investment they made.
Delighted. So if you live in another country, so what?!! Book a damn
flight! The world is a small place these days and the very best
opportunities in life need to be grabbed fast
because they don't come around that often!
another guy who booked a flight to come and spend some time with me,
this time in Cyprus...
Terry jumped on a plane as well. Here's what he thought...
So there you have it. It's going to be a day
that will show you why it's
not YOU that has to do all the work all the time.
A day that will show you how to have the time to relax and enjoy life
(which is what life is REALLY supposed to be about) whilst still making
more money than you ever have before. Simple as that really.
A day to remember as your turning point.
Chances like
this one just don't come around that often do they? And I have no idea
when I will ever get around to doing this particular workshop
day again! So don't miss out on this.
Go ahead and make the best decision you will have made in a long
while! Scroll back up and RESERVE
YOUR PLACE with me in August (before someone else gets your spot)
and I will see you there.
I look forward to seeing you!
Gonna be a goodun!!!!